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Regarding sales of Osechi

October 20, 2023



Japanese OSECHI is Japanese traditional food selection eaten on New Year’s Day. Each dish comes with its own meaning, and is part of the New Year celebration, to help attracting good health and prosperity for the family for the upcoming year.

Generally Osechi differs from Japanese cuisine because different ingredients are used, and being preserved food it has a particular taste to it. Flavours are quite special and unique to Osechi, and Japanese people too only eat Osechi on New Year Day. If you wish to try this distinctive traditional cuisine please place your order. (As it’s not the sort of food you’d generally eat a lot of, we’d suggest to have one serve to share between two people).


■Serving date

Morning breakfast on January 1, 2024

Therefore, we can reserve Osechi for guests staying on December 31st.

*We will place the Osechi box in the refrigerator in your room on December 31st.



Osechi for 1 person 7,500JPY

Osechi for 2 people 16,000JPY


■Reservation period

Reservations accepted until December 22nd


■ How to make a reservation

Please write your preference in the notes section when making your reservation.

We also accept inquiries by email or phone.

If you have already made a reservation with Western breakfast included, please feel free to let us

know as you can change your reservation by paying the difference.



★One person box (7,500 yen)

かになますSweet pickled vegetables 合鴨ロースDuck loin 海老姿煮Simmered shrimp お多福豆Sweet broad beans

菊花かぶらChrysanthemum-shaped turnip 絹太巻 Smoked salmon wrapped in pickled vegetables

紅白真如Red and white fish paste in a half-moon shape ごまめDried sweet baby sardines

さわら西京漬Spanish mackerel pickled in sweet Kyoto-style miso 千寿真如Cheese wrapped in fish paste

羽子板海老Shrimp fish paste shaped like Hagoita (colorful wooden paddles used for a badminton-like game, that symbolize health and safety). 花蓮根Lotus root ふくさ真子玉〆 Cod roe sealed with egg

福豆ぶどう煮 Boiled sweet black beans 穂先竹の子Simmered bamboo early sprouts

う巻玉子焼Omelette rolls with eel filling 海老ぼたん揚⇐ Peony-shaped fried shrimp

松笠くわいBoiled pine cone-shaped arrowhead tubers 熨斗餅 Spread mochi (mochi is a glutinous rice cake)

もろこ南蛮漬Deep fried freshwater fish marinated in a broth made of grain vinegardashimirin, and soy sauce

若鶏竜眼煮 Chicken burdock roll




★Two  people box (16,000 yen)

ごまめDried sweet baby sardines 菊花かぶらChrysanthemum-shaped turnip

かになますSweet pickled vegetables 合鴨ロースDuck loin

お多福豆Sweet broad beans さわら西京漬Spanish mackerel pickled in sweet Kyoto-style miso

羽子板海老Shrimp fish paste shaped like Hagoita (colorful wooden paddles used for a badminton-like game, that symbolize health and safety).

ふくさ真子玉〆 Cod roe sealed with egg 福豆ぶどう煮 Boiled sweet black beans

う巻玉子焼Omelette rolls with eel filling 海老ぼたん揚 Peony-shaped fried shrimp

松笠くわいBoiled pine cone-shaped arrowhead tubers

もろこ南蛮漬Deep fried freshwater fish marinated in a broth made of grain vinegardashimirin, and soy sauce

若鶏竜眼煮 Chicken burdock roll 鹿の子真如 Soft fish paste

栗きんとん Candied chestnut with sweet potatoes 栗渋皮煮 Peeled and boiled chestnut

寿昆布巻 Herring and konbu roll 色紙数の子Herring roe

ねじ梅人参 Plum-shaped carrot うなぎ真如 Grinded and baked eel

蝦夷あわび Abalone shellfish 竜飛巻 Konbu roll made of carrot and pickled fish






TEL: 075-365-5060 FAX: 075-365-5061(Telephone reception hours 9:00~21:00)


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